Tribute to the Dads (& a salute the Moms who pick up thier slack)
Happy Daddy's Day!
Warm wishes today to each and every man around this hard-core city who manned-up and did what he was supposed to do in being a loving, caring and concerned parent. Much admiration is extended to those who stuck by the diaper stage into toddler hood, held fast to their families in hard times, and provided a stable, hopeful, loving and happy home throughout the ups and downs of a committed relationship, marriage or not. We honor those who held firm during our kids' awful teen years when every parent in their right mind-- male or female-- wants to hit the road and run. Big props for those Dads who helped their children with homework, showed up at PTA meetings and school events, saw the kids through SATS into graduation, made breakfast and packed lunches, kissed bruised knees, write camp letters and supported their children into college, and even helped them to stand on their own in the early stages of young careers.
You are the best. We, The MANY thank you.
We also thank the plethora of our sisters who loved enough to bear children and raise them alone when our men either could not, or would not stand by us and parent as partners. We do our very best.
So today, we are taking a moment to acknowledge the struggle, tipping our hats to all the great Dads who make our lives and jobs easier, and also patting each other on the back and sending out positive light and love.
For every child who is loved and cared for, we say-- well done.
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