Another reason why NY State needs a Recall Law
Anthony Weiner's stupidity is as shocking as his desire to maintain our belief in him as a representative of good government.
Sister-friend and feminist, Cecilia Blewer made me laugh out loud when she said:
"Politics is lubricated by the public's trust."
So yet again, we have another example of a slimy elected official who has proven— by way of his weiner— to be untrustworthy.
There is NO excuse for the Congressman's behavior, or for lying to the public to cover it up. What he's been getting away with by sending lewd pictures of himself and sending inappropriate, indecent messages to strange women on the internet is absolutely unforgivable.
His beautiful and unsuspecting bride of 11 months worked in the White House with the First Lady during Monica-gate and surely never imagined that she'd find herself in Hillary's shoes. And, making this all the more sordid and embarrassing for Mrs. Weiner, is the fact that the public just learned she's pregnant.
Like other powerful men who's sexual judgement goes missing until found out by the media, he's only sorry about doing what he did because he got caught.
What in the world was he thinking?
Didn't he have enough examples of what NOT to do while married, and in office (or holding a high profile position in this society)? All he had to do was think of the tarnished reputations of former President Bill Clinton, former NY Governer Elliot Spitzer, former NJ Governor Jim McGreevey, former Presidential candidate and Senator John Edwards, former So. Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, former Califormia Governor Arnold S. and of course-- the notorious Tiger Woods-- and too many others (!) to imagine the scandal his outrageous behavior would cause. He should have had sense enough to know better than to do digital dirty in the first place, lie about it, blame it on someone else, and then have to fess up in front of the cameras.
The MANY gives this shameful Congressman of ours a major thump-upside-the-head and hopes he gets the roasting he deserves via a swift boot right out of office.
End of story. . . except to ask, how much more of this bad-man behavior will the voters of NY tolerate before rising up and demanding that our legislature enact a recall law?
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