Safe Perimeters

As said in a previous post, the horror and tragic crime committed upon little Leiby Kletsky is every mother’s monstrous nightmare during daylight.

As the co-founder of The Mothers’ Agenda NY (aka The MANY) I speak for all in offering our deepest condolences to the Kletzky family and their close knit community. We feel their pain and our hearts deeply grieve for their senseless loss.

Although I do not know the Huffington Post's commentary writer, Andy Ostroy, I believe he only meant to share insights, especially since admitting that he too, was held in grief made worse by murder.

But I would be remiss not to correct his statement that To be sure, Leiby's death has reignited the debate over the "when to" question more than anything in the last forty years since 6-year-old Etan Patz disappeared off a Soho street and, still missing, is presumed to have been killed.”

Yes, the horrific story of sweet Etan Patz haunts every parent.

But having become a new mom at the time, I also recall that for a two year period—from 1979 to 1981, parents throughout the nation had eyes on the nightly news from Altanta, Georgia and the flow of families on TV making pleas for the safe return of their missing young; 23 Black children in all who were eventually found dead for absolutely no reason.

Known as the “Atlanta Child Murders” each child went mysteriously missing from the loving embrace of their familiar Atlanta homes and neighborhoods, and it adds to my sadness for them that Mr. Ostroy does not recall the fate of these innocents— especially since several of whom died, like Liebby and Etan after being permitted to venture out alone for the very first time.

Today, somewhere in the United States, I think that these 23 individual sets of families are very likely sharing the Kletsky’s painful grief, and also the second guessing of themselves for allowing their children to run an errand, or walk alone in the close-to-home neighborhoods and streets in their communities that they no doubt, thought were safe (enough).

In January of 2011, The Mothers’ Agenda NY designed a model project to help keep our children safe on the city’s streets while walking to and from school. We responded to a small grant opportunity by a well-known NYC funder and submitted our plan to launch a Brooklyn pilot, and then take the “Safe Perimeter” model city-wide. We have received such limited funds as to actually tie our hands from doing the project as we designed in training and organizing parents and communities throughout this city.

Lieby Kretsky’s horrific abduction and brutal murder has outraged the members of The MANY, and it has also renewed our vigor in getting “Safe Perimeters” adopted city-wide. While we understand how limited funds are these days, we are mothers undeterred in protecting not just our own, but ALL children from the evil demons who prey upon them.

Mr. Ostroy says he hopes little Lieby didn't die in vain.

I assure him The MANY will do everything we can to see that does not happen.


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