Thoughts on a lost but resilient mother and woman

Sadly, Elizabeth Edwards has lost her battle with cancer. Although I never read her books, nor supported her husband's political career, nor have anything at all in common with her-- besides being a woman and mom-- I often found myself marveling at her strength and grace.

She was a reminder to me (and all who wish to be millionaires) that money can't buy happiness. Nor can it protect any of us from the heartaches of living this life; of losing a teenage child, or from being betrayed-- in middle age(!) by a lying, cheating husband.

I've always had a soft spot for Mrs. Edwards, even before the scandal. It annoyed me when she was the butt of brutal jokes on TV just because she didn't look like the Barbie-doll perfect, guant and pampered rich women we are accustomed to seeing attached to powerful men.

I liked that she looked and sounded real, especially when she spoke about her spiritual faith, her acceptance of death, and the love she had for her family.

Her resilience touched me, especially when the media reported her as being bitter and shrill. I think she was dealt a difficult deal and a really low blow that she handled with as much dignity as public scrutiny and a broken heart would allow.

May the Edwards children have comfort in knowing their mother made an impact on the hearts of many of us who did not know her personally, but who neverthless hoped her cancer would go into remission. I am sad for their loss.

May Elizabeth Edwards rest in eternal peace.


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