Out of Chicago

I'm inspired by and enamored with Chicago's activist leaders.

If you don't subscribe to the Black Star Project e-newsletter, you're missing out on the pulse of regular community folk creating change in schools and neighborhoods. Those brothers and sisters dedicated to uplifting and protecting Black youth and their educations are doing amazing work (!!!) and I for one, have much to learn from them. http://blackstarproject.org

Don't hate me, but truth Be told, I've never been a huge Star Wars fan. Like everyone else, I saw all the movies (always as a mom-escort-chaperone) but really, I'd much rather have been watching a chick flick or mindless comedy. Nevertheless, I always knew that director George Lucas was a genius to have conceived and brought to film such massively complex ideas that have had such entertainment influence to millions of people globally.

Next weekend, The MANY supports getting out of the house and into the movie theaters to see "Red Tails" -- George Luca's newest film. I saw a clip, and again while NOT a war movie buff, I am amazed with this man's genius. He is reminding America at such a divisively time in our nation's politics, of the history of Black male heros. What especially influenced me to want to see this movie and encourage others to as well, was watching his interview with Jon Stewart where he said it took him over 25 years to get the attention of Hollywood in order to bring his idea to fruition. And because of Hollywood's racism, he's done it by financing the movie himself.

Please go to see the movie when it opens next weekend, if for no other reason than to send Hollywood a message about our market demand for quality films made about Black American life and our heroes who helped build and protect this nation.

Lastly, also found in the Black Star e-newsletter that arrived today, I'm psyched by this message and I'm going to accept their invitation to bring a Lion Chapter to NYC. I will keep you posted here about what I find out after calling them.

'Till then--
- Be

Join Us for a Meeting of "Lion Mothers and Fathers"
Black Star Logo
There are some Black American, African and Caribbean parents who will do anything to educate and protect their children. Anything! And in fact, they know that this is the only way that their children will ever be successfully educated in America. We call those Black American, African and Caribbean parents, "Lion Mothers and Fathers". They are like Chinese "Tiger Mothers" but they are African American or of African descent. They believe in hard work, uncompromising excellence and rigor!


Lion Mothers and Fathers


Saturday, January 14, 2012

1:15 pm


The Black Star Project

3509 South King Drive, Suite 2B

Chicago, Illinois 60653

  • If you do not believe that you are the most important person in your child's educational life, this meeting is not for you.
  • If you think that your child's school will give a great education to your child without your participation, this meeting is not for you.
  • If you do not understand that your child educational success is related to the educational success of every child around your child, this meeting is not for you.
  • If you believe that government is capable of delivering a high-quality education for your child, this meeting is not for you.
  • If you are not ready to spend substantial time during the day and the evening at your child's school, this meeting is not for you.
  • If you are not ready to learn new skills and information for the sake of educating your child, this meeting is not for you.
  • If you are not ready to put much of the responsibility for your child's education on you, your child, your family and your community, this meeting is not for you.

Otherwise, welcome to the meeting!

Black Star Logo

We will plan strategies and programs to help Black and African children and students become globally competent. Lion parents do not ask others to educate and protect their cubs/children, nor do they ask for permission to educate their own children. If they did, their children would be destroyed. Lions are responsible for educating their children. No one else!

Black Star Logo
This is what people should see when they stop Black and African children from being properly educated.

Bring a Chapter of Black Star Lion Parents to your city by calling 773.285.9600. Click Here to learn about Chinese Tiger Mothers.


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