New Mantra: Let's put "NEIGHBOR" back into "HOOD"

Been far too long since we've put finger tips to keyboard! There is so much to report and so little time to do it.

Had a chance to see Grace Lee Boggs, the 95-year old and absolutely amazing, legendary Detroit-based radical organizer and philosopher Grace Lee Boggs, who’s been involved with the civil rights, Black Power, labor, environmental justice, and feminist movements over the past seven decades. She spoke at the Brecht Forum a few weeks ago about her new book The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the 21st Century. What a mind opener and inspiring refresher she was for the weary! Check her out being interviewed on "Democracy Now" the day before I saw her-- and thanx to warrior-woman-mom, friend and co-founder Cecilia Blewer for the tickets.

We are congratulating the Girls for Gender Equity, Inc. (GGE) and their Coalition for Gender Equity in Schools (CGES). The Feminist Press just published GGE's book, "Hey Shorty"-- a must read how-to eye opener about the her-story of their awesome organization upholding Title IX laws while combating sexual harassment of women and girls.

CGES has taken on the DoE and we are behind them all the way. Check out their book, join us in getting involved and let's put pressure on the city and the DoE to finance a must have public announcement campaign against all forms of sexual harassment-- in our schools and on our streets.

Just launched and making news: The NYC Parents Union! A deserving round of applause to Bronx mom and founder of NYC Charter Parents Association Mona Davids, who with company) have successfully piloted a new advocacy organization for all the NYC ed activists to wrap themselves around. The Parent Union has filed a brand new, never before done, class action $100 million civil suit against the mayor for appointing his friend and non-educator Cathie Black to the position of Schools Chancellor. Her 96 days in office caused undue harm and was an expensive distraction to the school children, parents and teachers of this city. Sign up here:

A huge hug and kiss on her birthday to Leonie Haimson, NYC parent leader and founder of Class Size Matters, NYC Education new listserve (on Yahoo), the Parent Commission on School Governance & Mayoral Control and finally, the nationwide group: Parents Across America. We deeply appreciate her passion for equality and her tireless voice of reason when it comes to creating democratic public education policies. Thank you Leonie for everything you do!

It was Grace Lee Boggs' who said that times have changed, and we can't depend upon our protests to impact government for change as we once did. Those days are over. She said we have to be our own solutionaries, and be more caring, humane and supportive of one another. Mrs. Boggs summed it up by saying "put the neighbor back into hood."

We, The MANY are doing just that.


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